Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year: New Goals

I'm not really a person who makes resolutions upon the New Year.  My general thought on New Year's Resolutions are that they have already defeated you-if one was really resolved to make a change then they would do it then, at that moment, rather than waiting until the new year rolls around.  Thus, I don't really make resolutions to begin on New Years, but rather try to actively improve myself along my life when I feel there is a need to do so.

This past year, a friend turned me on to The Random Show podcast and I've been savoring their backlog of episodes while catching up.  In one they shared lists of goals to accomplish in the new year.  This was an idea I liked.  Instead of stating what you hoped to do from Day 1 of 2012, you prepared a list of objectives you hoped to accomplish in 2012.  Personal resolutions, like exercising and eating better, I try to begin right away, but there are numerous 'projects' I have put off, or been eyeing, that would be perfect for this.  So, without further ado:

Goals to Accomplish for 2012:

1) Establish my own wake-up time, as determined by me, and not by my work.  For my entire life I've been a slave to waking up based on the first time commitment of the day.  Usually this is about 1 hour before I have to be there, and this also usually makes for a thoroughly inconsistent wake-up schedule.  It was the worst while working for Apple, but even in Peace Corps I have about 3 different wake up times.  I'd like to establish consistency in my wake-up time in hopes of becoming have more productive, more enjoyable, and more stable mornings.

2) Focus on my hamstrings.  After throwing my back out twice in 2010, I really started to focus on my back in 2011. Obviously, this is a lifelong commitment, but it was a thrill to find myself in full wheel (a yoga posture with feet and hands on the ground pushing your back into a 180 arch) for the first time ever. I'll maintain this commitment, but I'd also like to add special emphasis to my hamstrings.  I have tight hamstrings, so tight that I will too often over accommodate in poses that should be working them.  This year I'd like to have a similar thrill I had in 2011 but with my hamstrings.

3) Practice yoga 5 hours a week.  This is not so much a stretch goal, as ensuring that I'm making it to the mat every day.  Regarding these last two goals, I'm not usually into 'goal setting' in a yoga practice.  One shouldn't be striving towards an accomplishment that their body is not prepared for.  But yoga is also about mindfulness and bringing consciousness into our actions, so I accommodate for these goals of increased awareness.

4) Learn Turkish.  Have I told you I'm planning a dream vacation in Turkey with 15 other friends?!  Its true.  I already (somewhat) speak a language that is extremely close to Turkish and have friends here I can practice with.  I've always wanted to visit Turkey and will not be surprised if I fall in love with it.  Finally, I have learned a little more about how I most effectively learn a new language.  I cannot imagine a better 'perfect storm' of reasons to learn a language.

5) Prepare for effective job hunting.  I really want to ensure that my next steps, whatever those may be, are fulfilling and in line with my personal values and life goals.  I acknowledge that this may be a lot to ask for in the economy that will be waiting for me, but I don't care, I think I'll be a candidate worth looking at.  So, to ensure that I'm appealing to whomever may be checking me out, I want to prepare a personal bio and engaging resume that will get noticed, rather than get lost.  And, of course, integrate it into all media I use.

6) Read the Brothers Karamazov.  I love Dostoyevsky and I really like the translators of the edition I have.  I've wanted to do this for a while-this is the year.

7) Go to an Azerbaijani Rap concert.  I haven't been to a concert in sooooo long. Update: Attended first Azerbaijan rap concert: 1/14/12

8) Buy a new iPhone and MacBook Air.  Hey, I'll finally be home in 2012 and I'm totally serious on looking at this as a goal to accomplish in 2012.  Maybe a reward as well...

9) Meditate daily.


  1. For number 4, I'd focus on starting to make connections as soon as possible; even from Azerbaijan, you should be able to have skype/phone/chat conversations with relevant people. Even if you don't know what you want to do long term, talking to folks about what's out there might help spark interest in one field or another. If you think I can help with that, let me know.

  2. That is an excellent point. Reflecting on this, I guess I was thinking I would start this networking push around june, but of course what you're saying makes more sense.
