Talk about perfect timing. After all of this A-Team love, I was thinking this week that I'd like to be able to promote a H.O.S.T. affiliated track. Then, what pops in my inbox, but an email from a former PCV (and current Caspian Dreamer) tipping me off to the fact that PRoMete (of the H.O.S.T. clan) just dropped a new track.
Its catchy-but I guess you could expect that when you're straight up ganking the instrumental from the Ratatat remix of Kanye's 'Diamonds of Sierra Leone'. Still, its a listenable track, and helps me get my H.O.S.T. fix as the weather once again rebounds from winter. Check it out below.
Hat tip to Aşiq Timo of the Caspian Dreamers for what's up.
PRoMete - Sonu Görünməyən Yol (which translates as 'Can't Be Seen At The End of The Road')
Previous Hip-Hop From The Land of Fire: Kavkaz Clan
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