(303 represent!)
As most who know me will attest to-I'm a little crazy when it comes to packing. I'm a minimalist and love chances to compress life into as small a quantity as possible and down to the bare necessities. Packing for the Peace Corps presented a challenge since I don't really know what the bare necessities of a developing country are, let alone when staying for two years, and I plan on jotting down any efficiencies or key things for me to remember over the course of these 2 years.
On my flight over here, I took a computer bag that had a ton of stuff in it, all stuff that I figured would be useful for the full day of flights and layovers. But when it came down to it, all I really used were the Kindle, my journal/pen, the Board Game Book, and iPod/iPhone/Headphones. I could have just as easily used my Nike satchel rather than a full backpack.
My second carry on was packed perfectly for arrival. I basically packed two suitcases, one that I could live out of for at least five days and a second, massive one with everything else, that I've hardly yet gone into and if it was lost, would not have missed it until it was found. The only regret I have is that I know I am already going to need a bigger backpack for traveling purposes and I wish I got it in the states rather then being forced to order it online. I have a feeling I'll be utilizing the expertise of my stateside sister and resident Ehrenreich wilderness expert to help with this.
Carry On Contents:
2 pairs of pants (wearing 1 pair of jeans)
2 short sleeve collars (wearing 1 collar)
2 long sleeve shirts
1 sweater
1 suit jacket
1 light jacket
5 undershirts
5 pairs of briefs
3 pairs of socks
1 pair of shoes (wearing loafers)
1 pair of athletic shorts
yoga block