Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Next Step

excerpt from Hitch Haiku-Gary Snyder
I want to share some exciting news—I’m leaving Apple! 🎉😁

Apple has been a wonderful place to work (twice over). After 10+ years it makes up the bulk of my professional experience (+sole corporate exp). It’s time to gain a new professional perspective. This has been on my mind for over a year, but the mental energy Apple requires make it difficult to action. So, I’m taking action.

I’m taking a sabbatical to reset (/recover from commute). I plan to use this time to volunteer, move well, and write. And through this, search for the next step.

What is that next step?

There are a few areas that have my immediate interest. I’m interested in the non profits space, non profits themselves and companies with a non profit arm or target market. Generally I’m interested in gaining experience in learning more about member/corporate giving, non profit program management, and other skills. My ideal would be an org supporting parks, urban forest, pubic green space, public arts.

I’m also interested in new corporate experience. I have a list of companies in SF I think are interesting and generally I believe there is a lot of opportunity for someone like myself, with demonstrated experience and innovative thinking. Here, I’m looking at project/program management, comms, chief of staff roles.

So, that’s the news! Thomas will be finished with his weekly commute to LA, so we’re both feeling pretty excited about everything.

Thanks for all of your support. Much love.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Josh! I also hope this post signals your return to reflective writing, at least as time allows. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.
