I think I've done a pretty admirable effort of keeping regular updates. Scanning my blog there are about 130 posts of various observations, obstacles and, uh, avocations? But there comes a time in any of this where you reach a week that simply has nothing terribly interesting to write about.
I could rehash a previous update and write about camp again. We finished our second and, thankfully, final week of summer camp. It was a huge success but all the organizers were thrilled to be finished with it. Each day, after a morning filled with activities focused on health, goal setting, or environment, we would collapse onto our respective coaches and beds, exhausted and readying ourselves for the next early morning.
Or maybe draw out an explanation on the Writing Olympics Awards Ceremony held in a beautiful building in downtown Baku. Families traveled from all over the country, some over 5 hours away, to celebrate the Azerbaijani national and international winners . Proud parents and volunteers watched nervous and smiling kids read their winning essays and happily accept their award.
Or I could recount the hardly safe for work details of that night. Beginning with a birthday party for JM hosted by her parents (thanks Jackie and Russ!) overlooking downtown Targova Square. And like swarming locusts, groups of PCVs in Baku that night continued to move from bar to bar collecting into a greater and greater mass of Americans getting louder and louder and less and less coordinated in their dancing.
Or bring up the great Peer Support Network training I, and 3 other volunteers, just received. PSN is a network of voted upon PCVs to provide a free call in line for any PCV who is dealing with any sort of difficulties (or successes!) Its completely free for a PCV to use and also completely confidential. I really enjoyed the training and am excited to begin providing the support that I myself found so useful as a caller.
But honestly, I just did tell you about all of these things. There really wasn't more than a 3-4 sentence paragraph held within these items. The current thrill in my life is a 'new' desk, which gives me a place to have an actual workstation instead of just ruining my back hunching over a coffee table. What can I say? Summer is coming to a close.
So what do you want to hear about? Email/comment me back and I will do my best to give a full, interesting, and (knock on wood) funny account of whatever you're dying to know about.
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