Monday, January 10, 2011

So What's Getting Me Through...?

In a very previous post I mentioned that I had somewhat of the winter blues. The honeymoon period at site is coming to a close and now the reality of the work that needs to be done is making itself evident.

So what's getting me through this? Of course there are all those 'normal' stress managers that I spoke to in my interview-yoga, writing, friends, blah blah blah. To be honest there are three main things I have been going to over and over this past week. My 'Chunky Monkey' in a land of chunky potatoes

1) Fyodor Dostoyevsky. As MD can attest, I usually turn to darker fiction when overwhelmed. I really like Dostoyevsky as an author and I don't find him depressing or lengthy. I think he has great flow and find myself plowing through his books. I just finished The Gambler and am beginning Crime and Punishment. After that I have a great translation of The Brothers Karamazov I'm super excited for. Hopefully this will take me through winter.

2) Flight Control. This is a 99 cent app for the iPhone/iPod where you guide planes to the correct landing strips that has (once again) become an addiction. I've already beaten my previous best on all airfields and am working through them again. I can easily lose an hour to this game.

3) James Blake. James Blake is a musician who received a lot of buzz in 2k10 for a couple of released EPs that combine elements of dubstep and R&B into one seriously smart and sexy sound. His upcoming self-titled release has leaked onto the internet and it is awesome. I've been listening to all of his stuff on repeat when writing, reading, or any time I could be listing to it. Check out 'Limit to Your Love' here.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, good rec on the James Blake. Soulful music plus dub? Yes please!
