There really aren't many things for Peace Corps Trainees do to on a day off in Azerbaijan. There are no movie theaters and not many restaurants to frequent. In addition there is a strong gender distinction that limits the amount of places that unmarried men and women can be together. Women aren't allowed in the cayxanas (teahouses) which are the main place of socialization for men and there are few other public places to go.
Thus, on our elusive days off, there is usually one thing we do do. Binge eat. We are living in a culture where it costs 50 cents for a coke and I can, and do, buy hohos in kilos as opposed to individual packages. Peace Corps told us that many people experience of weight gain of about 15 pounds. What they didn't tell us is that its usually due to us stress-eating turkish cookies and paprika flavored lays.
I have a love/hate relationship with Tutkus.