There were two things people in the states continually recommended for me to pack as I was getting ready for Azerbaijan: toilet paper and ziplock bags. The toilet paper isn't as necessary; for all you potential post-soviet state travelers, the range of consumer goods when it comes to personal hygiene products is pretty good. Yes, they have toilet paper here and no I don't really discern a difference between the two countries offerings. (As an aside, Azeris are incredulous to the fact that Americans would believe there is no toilet paper in this country.)
Up until yesterday night, the ziplock bags have remained unused as well. Seeing the lack of their presence anywhere, whether in an America or Azeri household, I believed these would become part of my (growing) 'unnecessary items' pile, joining the world radio, twin sheets, and half my ties.
Then there was the night when guests were over and I drank 6 cups of tea. Around 10, I had retired to my room and before I knew it, it was late, people were sleeping in front of my door, and I had just disobeyed my 'always use the hamam (outdoor bathroom) before bed). Frantically I looked around the room to figure out a plan. "The window! but its too high;" "Any empty bottles? no;" "THE ZIPLOCK BAGS!" With no time to waste I hastily triple bagged one (there was no way I was going to risk having to explain that situation) and smiled to see a packed item used to its full potential.
The window is to high? I thought guys loved peeing off high places... I'm glad you found a use for the ziploc bags.
oh we do, it was more the required arc I didn't have confident in.