Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Hanukkah Azeri

Well, I guess the title really says all you need to know.  One of my site mates is Jewish and she pointed out that, of the two holidays represented at our holiday party, Azeris are mostly familiar with only one of them-Christmas.  So, she proposed that we perform a play about the second one, Hanukkah.

Now, I know what you're thinking.  'Josh, I'm sure there are hundreds of Hanukkah plays in Azeri, how on earth did you narrow it down to one?'.  Well it may surprise you to learn that this is actually not true, and we ended up writing, what we believe is the first Hanukkah Play in Azerbaijani.  Most of the credit really should go to Sabina (the narrator) who did the translating.  The rest of us really just thought of visual gags to make the play entertaining.

Though there are jokes in the play, its important to note that almost all the laughter is due to our atrocious pronunciation.  Which admittedly, was the biggest joke to begin with.  Check out the 5 minute video below.

A Story of Azeri from josh on Vimeo.


  1. Yay Josh! Thanks for sharing,
    Kelsey's mom

  2. i can't believe I just saw you dance and speak Azeri. Yay! (mary)
