Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lets Get School Over With To Get On With Service

I've written a fair bit about how much I'm ready for school to end.  Not just the blog, but in my journal, over gchat, and (especially) texting.  Basically if there is a form of written communication I engage in, I probably have written about how I'm ready for school to finish up.  I'm over it, the students are over it, and we're basically over with our lessons, so 'when is it over?'

Its easy to conflate this thought with being over Peace Corps as well.  "Only 7 months left!"  I get a precious opportunity to hit the 'restart' button on life and let's get on with it.  I've done this 'pc thing' for a bit, let's wrap it up.

But the nice thing is, I'm not really ready for Peace Corps to wrap up.  I don't feel the same way about my service as I do about school.

There are some really cool things going on right now.  Kelly and my Training of Trainers project is doing really well so far.  We've had two trainings before our pause for the summer.  Already, participants from these workshops have had three independent trainings, with more scheduled, and over 50 english teachers in the regions affected by these independently held workshops.

Softball has gotten way more fun when we basically decided to drop the 'teaching' part.  Instead of meeting only once and running drills and conditioning we now meet a couple times a week and just play games.  More and more kids are showing up and we now can consistently field two teams for our games.

Camp is also plowing on ahead.  This year I'm working with an incredible young woman named Sabina organizing leaders in three different cities to plan, fund, and execute their own camp.  Come late May we'll have a Jr. Counselor training that will involve 30 different emerging youth leaders, preparing them to help with these upcoming summer camps.

And I like that I have time in Peace Corps.  I like that I have time to write.  I like that I can practice yoga everyday.  I like that I have time to do personal projects and not just service projects.  Its nice to have the space to breathe and work and grow.  I'm ready for school to end, but not for service to finish.  Though, at times, seven months seems intolerably far away, the days continue and soon enough it will seem that there is hardly any time left at all.

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